What does it take to get someone to finally acknowledge mortality? That’s what is happening to a lot of baby boomers as they watch their friends and relatives battle debilitating diseases. While most resign themselves to a future filled with limitations, aches and pains, a small but growing group is discovering an exciting fact. Many, if not most, health issues are reversible. Sixty is truly the new thirty.
Now, if I owned a 60 year old something of value – a car, for instance, I would devote a lot of time to making sure the engine purred, all the systems (brakes, electrical, etc.) performed flawlessly, and the appearance was perfect. I would rely upon guidance from experts. It would be impossible to turn it into a show car without the help of a trusted, experienced auto mechanic.
That's Lee Cotton. Lee is a human mechanic. She has the experience necessary to fine tune and polish our bodies. It's no more mysterious than selecting the right motor oil, the right octane for your gas, or the right wiper blades. The terms she uses are unfamiliar, and the process is a little confusing at first, but stop and think about it for a couple of seconds: We put additives in our gasoline to keep the engine clean and improve performance. Doesn't it make sense to do the same with our bodies?
You can probably tell that I'm getting into this. I actually find it interesting. Well, here's Lee's website: http://www.pilatesandyourpalate.com
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