The strength you gain through hardships endured provides a vision that enables you to accurately analyze and weigh the thoughts, recommendations, and acts of even experienced professionals and would be guides. From that evolves a rock-solid commitment to manage your destiny.
Never underestimate your power. Wield it with the confidence and self-assurance that goes hand-in-hand with that commitment.
Your active role in the decision-making process, the extensive research that you have conducted, the enormous network you have cultivated, are all part of a divine plan to see you through the most challenging ordeal.
We were never meant to "Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence…," as espoused by Max Ehrmann in Desiderata. Where is the growth in such a perspective? You are battling powerful forces that are kept at bay only by your diligence.
As Algernon Sydney simply put it, "God helps those who help themselves." Let there be no doubt about His appreciation for your efforts. The reward is the incredible bond of love that will be yours forever.