Just ask him. Kevin is easy to recognize. He rides a Trek Madone 6.5, a Carrera Blue OCLV2 bike that retails for $4,929.99. It is the bicycle equivalent of a Ferrari. Kevin believes that as an exalted (in his own mind) human being, he has the right to blast by slower moving cyclists without warning and as close as possible. You see, Kevin does so while testing his anaerobic threshold. Therefore, his behavior is totally within reason.
That rationale is equivalent to the driver of the aforementioned Ferrari driving down the road at Mach 3, and endangering the lives of countless others, because he doesn’t want to miss the Blue Light Special at K-Mart.
Let’s set the stage for this revelation: Coastal Highway A1A is a delightful stretch of road between Jupiter (FL) Inlet and Juno Beach. For most of this length, it sits high upon the protective dune that follows the Atlantic Coastline. Approximately 5 years ago, at considerable expense, A1A was converted from a shouldered, sand-clogged, overused lane into a park like setting replete with curbs, bike lanes, marked crosswalks, shrubs and palm trees. It is a thing of beauty with great views of the ocean. Sadly, the road is now overloaded with cyclists in groups of 1 to 30 or more, inline skaters, joggers, strollers with baby carriages, and cars. Weekends are particularly heinous.
The cyclists ride with a chip on their shoulder. After all, it’s a bike lane, not a roller-blader/jogger/stroller lane. Right? The others are offended by the cyclists’ attitudes. The air is filled with a tension that is almost visible. Incidents of road rage (cyclist style) are not uncommon.
Cycling and running decorum teaches us that a cyclist/runner, while approaching a slower moving individual from behind, should call out a warning. Typically, “On your left!” or “On your right!” suffices. In Bermuda, bicycle bells are commonly used. Done properly, the call will not offend or even surprise the slower moving individual. It allows the individual to prepare for what lies ahead: the pass. Florida law states that a vehicle passing a cyclist/runner must maintain a minimum distance of 3 feet at all times. Florida law also states that cyclists must obey all automobile laws and regulations. Therefore Kevin, and all you other hotshots out there who get some perverse pleasure by riding as close as possible by the unsuspecting slow-moving individual without issuing any advance warning, SHOW A LITTLE RESPECT! While you may be the center of the universe in your own mind, that doesn’t give you the right to harass everyone in close proximity to your wonderfulness.
Kevin? What about Kevin? When politely although somewhat lightheartedly called to task for his indiscretion, Kevin's response was indignation and a useless effort to intimidate through boisterous behavior. Grow up, dude...